Expo Location – Croft Historical Park
2nd Ave NE & 8th St NE Crosby, MN 56441
Friday Daytime
Expo Hours 12-7, Bike Demo 12-6
Packet Pickup 12-6
Clinics and Guided Rides Throughout the Day
Friday Evening
Fat Tire Happy Hour, 5:30-7:30
7:30pm Leaving from Happy Hour
Fat Tire Klunker Ride to beach for Solstice Sunset Swim
Screening of the Radavist Movie – Camera Corner about mtb pioneer Wende Cragg in the barn, bonfire on the beach
Everyone welcome – klunkers, cruisers & vintage mountain bikes encouraged
Friday & Saturday – Scavenger Hunt Challenge
Riders receive their punch cards with their packets on Friday. The card lists many of the marquee trails in the system (Back Country, Bobsled, Galloping Goose, etc) The challenge is to ride all the trails listed on the punch card over the course of Friday and Saturday. Each trail contains a punch station located inside a toolbox that riders must locate. Complete and turn in your punch card at the registration booth at Expo by 6pm on Saturday and receive a finishers patch and an entry into the Prize Drawing for a 1Up USA Rack System. Drawing to be held at Pints for a Purpose Saturday Night.
Expo Hours 10-5pm
Clinics & Guided Rides Throughout the Day on Saturday
7pm-close Pints for a Purpose Presented by New Belgium Brewery at Trailside Tavern – 212 West Main Street, Crosby, MN 56441
-open to the public – bands – raffles, etc to benefit the Trail Crew-
11:00AM – Vintage Mountain Bike Meetup and Group Ride
Meet at Red Raven at 10:00 for socializing, coffee, and food, roll out at 11
– everyone welcome – klunkers & vintage mountain bikes encouraged